
活动名称、描述 & 图像最佳做法

市场营销 and Communication follows Associate Press (AP) Style for calendar titles and descriptions. Please note: these standards and best practices are subject to change without notice.​


  • The event title should be less than 50 characters long, including spaces. Event titles that go beyond 50 characters may be truncated with an ellipsis in some calendar views.
  • 主要的词应该大写. 不要大写“a ?,”“和," "in," "of,或“the”,除非它们是事件标题的第一个单词. 不应该使用所有的大写字母.
    • Examples of prepositions not to be capitalized (four or fewer letters): at / by / down / for / from / in / into / like / near / of / off / on / onto / over / past / to / upon / with
    • Examples of conjunctions not to be capitalized (four or fewer letters): and / as / but / for / if / nor / once / or / so / than / that / till / when / yet
  • 书名周围要用单引号, 戏剧, 杂志, 报纸, 电视节目和电影中的事件标题.
  • 赛事名称不应包含赛事赞助商等详细信息. These details should be included in the event description, which appears on the event detail page.
  • Numbers 0-9 should be written out; numbers that are 10 or higher should use the figure.
  • 引用日期或数字时不应包含“st”。, “nd”或“rd”作为日期或数字的一部分, e.g.,不要写成四月一日,五月二日,六月三日,七月五日.
  • Superscript and subscript should be avoided, instead use straight text, e.g., use 7th Annual 健康 会议 and not 7th Annual 健康 会议.
  • 请校对标题的语法和拼写是否正确.


Event descriptions should typically provide a sense of who, what and how. Briefly explain who is speaking or performing and what attendees can expect to see or hear. 一般来说,仅凭活动名称并不能吸引人们参加. 提供更多的细节和背景来引起兴趣. If there are multiple event sponsors, the description will also list the co-sponsors. 还要注意活动是否免费并向公众开放.


事件标题 & 描述的例子

1. 事件名称: 访问作家系列:艾米丽·内曼斯

Known as a writer, illustrator and editor, Emily Nemens debuted her novel, “The Cactus League.2020年2月. 在第一次投球前充满活力的嗡嗡声, the storyline of her book unravels the star outfielder and other tightly connected people in the game. 由一位睿智的体育广播员解说, the story is interspersed with tales of multiple characters all striving to be seen and leaving the reader with a sense of hope and redemption.

Nemens has spoken about editing at major literary conferences and in creative writing programs around the United States, 《全球赌博十大网站》对她进行了专题报道, 意大利版《全球赌博十大网站》和《全球赌博十大网站》. 作为一个插画师, 她在《全球赌博十大网站》上发表了她的作品, 她的短篇小说曾出现在《全球网赌十大网站》杂志上, 爱荷华评论和其他地方.


2. 事件名称: N.C. 美国科学院第117届年会

The Lenoir-Rhyne University School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will serve as virtual host for the 117th annual 北卡罗来纳州科学院 会议. 国家科学院促进公众对科学的欣赏, 科学教育, 科学研究和科学在公共政策中的重要作用.

这是北卡罗来纳科学家的学术会议, 来自全州各机构的科学教职员工和学生. We hope you are planning to join in this inspiring opportunity to share your research, 发现新的可能性,并与其他与会者互动.

学生 are encouraged to submit abstracts for three-minute lightning talks (in lieu of posters) and 15-minute oral presentations. 鼓励教师参加会议,介绍他们的工作, support student presenters and to attend the keynote address and afternoon workshops. 

3. 事件名称: 史密斯讲座:移民,经济学 & 《全球赌博十大网站》

安妮·赖特博士.D. 是杰出教授和托马斯·R. 史密斯在美国大学捐资担任主席.S. [插入大学名称]的历史. 在她的演讲中, Wright will explore how southern migration within the United States has impacted economic growth, 城市的生活质量和政治构成, 包括夏洛特, 亚特兰大和纳什维尔.

一个开Q&A和演讲者将在讲座结束后进行. 由历史系和经济俱乐部赞助.


4. 事件名称: LR的组织者表演“错误喜剧”

The Playmakers open their season with a production of “The Comedy of Errors,威廉·莎士比亚的戏剧.

莎士比亚最早也是最受欢迎的作品之一, "The Comedy of Errors" is a madcap adventure of mistaken identity and the chaos that ensues. This comic masterpiece tells the story of a young man of Syracuse who travels the world seeking his twin, accompanied by his faithful servant — who is also seeking his own twin — and how anything can happen. 古希腊城市以弗所是巫师的巢穴吗? Why do random people he has never met keep greeting him, giving him gifts and good wishes?

Using the art of the classical Italian comedy and with lots of buffoonery, the Playmakers explore Shakespeare's shortest and funniest farce with sidesplitting results. 由于内容过于成熟,故为PG级.

免费入场,但由于座位有限,需要门票. Tickets are available at the door or can be picked up at the LR Box Office in P.E. 梦露礼堂. 票房时间是上午9点.m. 到下午6点.m.星期一至星期五. 更多信息,请拨打828.328.7206查询车票信息.

5. 事件名称: 大学电影系列:《全球赌博十大网站》

"The Kite Runner" is a 2007 American drama film directed by Marc Forster and based on the 2003 novel of the same name by Khaled Hosseini. 它讲述了阿米尔的故事, a well-to-do boy from the Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul who is tormented by the guilt of abandoning his friend Hassan, 他父亲的哈扎拉仆人的儿子.

这个故事是以动荡的事件为背景的, from the fall of the monarchy in Afghanistan through the Soviet military intervention, 大批阿富汗难民逃往巴基斯坦和美国, 以及塔利班政权.



To maintain quality standards, only high-quality images are posted to the university calendar. Events posted without images may be delayed in their approval to the calendar until a suitable image is identified. Event newsletters and other promotion tools require event images to be present. 部门的备用映像或默认映像, group or place/location may be used in place of an event image if the event image that is provided doesn’t meet image requirements. A photo gallery of university images is available to select from when finalizing image selection for events.


  • Low-quality images or low-resolution images that are provided at a size not large enough for the calendar.
  • 以不正确的纵横比提供的图像,e.g.,提供用于水平显示的垂直图像.
  • 包含文字的图片(每个联邦网站) 易访问性需求).
  • 任何类型的标志.
  • 海报或文件附件的截图或图像. Images of poster (and text) is not legible on smaller sizes like smartphones and images containing text don't comply with federal website 易访问性需求.
  • Images that are clearly copyrighted or subject to copyright and written permission has not been provided for online use.

文档 & 附件

The university calendar does not provide space for uploading documents to the calendar. Event organizers are encouraged to provide document attachments to the digital staff for uploading to the LR website. 张贴在日历上的所有文件都必须遵守 联邦无障碍要求. 文档类型包括PDF、Word、Excel、PowerPoint等. 如果发现文件不符合规定, 可能需要可访问性补救, 这可能会延迟对日历的批准.

文档 that duplicate the same information that is already provided in the calendar title, 描述或图片将不会被张贴到日历.